Lundy, Isle of Avalon by Les Still ePublished by Mystic Realms

Mystic Realms


Lundy, Isle of Avalon

Arthur, the rightful king


The Knights Templar

   Mystic Realms       Lundy, Isle of Avalon

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Non Fiction
Arthurian Fiction
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They both have exhaustive catalogues. ( and different prices! ) so try them both



Allegro, J.M. - The Dead Sea Scrolls (Pelican, 1961)
Anderson, Flavia - The Ancient Secret (R.I.L.K.O. Books, 1987)
Archaeological Journal, The (Royal Archaeological Institute)
Ashe,Geoffrey - Camelot and The vision of Albion (Heinemann)
Ashe,Geoffrey - Avalonian Quest (Methuen)
Ashe,Geoffrey - The Landscape of King Arthur (Michael Joseph Ltd)
Ashe,Geoffrey - Guidebook To Arthurian Britain (Longmans)
Ashe,Geoffrey - King Arthur's Avalon (Fontana)
Ashe,Geoffrey - The Ancient Wisdom (Abacus)
Ashe,Geoffrey - The Quest for Arthur's Britain (1971)




Baigent, Michael, Leigh,Richard and Lincoln,Henry - The Messianic Legacy (Cape, 1986)
Baigent, Michael & Leigh, Richard - The Dead Sea Scrolls Deception (Jonathan Cape, 1991)
Baigent, Michael, Leigh,Richard and Lincoln,Henry - The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail (London, 1982)  BUY 
Baigent, Michael & Leigh, Richard -The Temple and the Lodge (Cape, 1989)
Baigent, Michael & Leigh, Richard – The Elixir and the Stone (Viking –Penguin, 1997)
Barber, Richard - King Arthur ;- Hero and Legend (Dorset Press, 1990)
Baring-Gould, Sabine - A Book of West Cornwall (1899) (Wildwood, 1981)
Barley, M.W. & Hanson, R.P.C., eds. - Christianity in Britain 300-700 (Leicester University Press, 1968)
Barnes, Timothy - Constantine and Eusebius (Cambridge, Mass. 1981)
Bartrum, P.C.ed - Early Welsh Genealogical Tracts (Cardiff, 1966)
Bauval, Robert. & Gilbert, Adrian - The Orion Mystery (Heinemann, 1994)
Beatty, Longfield - The Garden of the Golden Flower (Rider & Co. 1939)
Best, Nicholas - The Knights Templar (Weidenfield & Nicolson, 1997)
Blome, Bertil - The Place Names of North Devonshire Uppsala, 1929)
Bord,J. & C. - Mysterious Britain
Bord,J. & C. -The Secret Country (Paladin)
Bray, Donald - Stories of the North Cornish Coast (Truran, 1983)
Bromwich, Rachel - Trioedd Ynys Prydein (University of Wales Press, Cardiff, 1978)
Bryant, Nigel - Perlesvaus; The High Book of the Grail (1978)
Burl, Aubrey - Prehistoric Stone Circles (Shire, 1983)
Buxton, William - Britain Long Ago (Harrap, 1908)

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Cameron, Kenneth - English Place-names (Batsford)
Carley, James ed. - The Chronicles of Glastonbury Abbey by John of Glastonbury (Boydell Press, 1985)
Carlyon, Richard - A Guide to the Gods (Heinemann, 1981)
Chandler, John - John Leland's Itinerar (Alan Sutton Publishing Ltd. 1993)
Chanter,J.R. - A History of Lundy Island (Transactions of The Devon Society, 1871)
Chanter,J.R. - Lundy Island – A Monograph (reprinted Westwell Publishing 1997)
Cottrel, Leonard - The Great Invasion Pan 1961
Coulter, James - The Ancient Chapels of North Devon (James Coulter, 1993)
Cox, Michael - Mysticism,The Direct Experience of God (The Aquarian Press, 1983)
Cox, G. & Jones, E. - Arthurian Legends of the Middle Ages (Senate)
Curer-Briggs, Noel - The Shroud and the Grail (Wiedenfield and Nicholson, 1987)




de Breffny, Brian - In The Steps of St. Patrick (Thames and Hudson, 1982)
Devereux, Paul - Earth Mysteries
Dobson, Rev. C.C. - Did our Lord Visit Britain ? (Avalon Press, 1936)
Donovan, J.P. - Pelagius and the Fifth Crusade
Duncan, Anthony - The Elements of Celtic Christianity (Element, 1992)
Dunning, R. - Arthur, The King in the West (Alan Sutton Ltd.)




Edey, Maitland A.- The Sea Traders (. New York: Time-Life Books, 1974).
Eliade, Mercia ed. - "The Grail," The Encyclopedia of Religion (MacMillan, New York, 1987)
Embleton, R. and Graham, Frank - Hadrian's Wall in the Days of the Romans (F.Graham, 1984)
Esmonde-Cleary, A. S. - The Ending of Roman Britain (Batsford, 1989)
Etherton, Colonel P. T. & Barlow, Vernon - Lundy, The Tempestuous Isle (Lutterworth Press, 1950)



Farmer, David Hugh - The Oxford Dictionary of Saints (Oxford, 1987)
Fife, Graeme - Arthur the King (BBC Publications, 1990)
Finberg, H. P. R. - Lucerna (Macmillan, 1964)
Fortune, Dion - The Sea Priestess (Society of the Inner Light, 1989)
Fox Aileen - South West England,3500 b.c.-600 a.d. (David and Charles)
Frere, Sheppard - Britannia; a History of Roman Britain (Routledge & Keegan Paul ltd. 1967)
Friedman, Richard Elliott - Who Wrote the Bible (Jonathan Cape, 1988)



Gade, Felix – My Life on Lundy
Gardner, Laurence - Bloodline of the Holy Grail (Element Books, 1996) 
Gardner, Keith S. - Lundy, An Archaeological Field Guide (Landmark Trust)
GildasDe Excidio Britonum
Godwin, Malcolm - The Holy Grail (Bloomsbury, 1994)
Gordon, D. st. Leger - The County Book of Devonshire
Graves, Robert - King Jesus (New York, 1946)
Graves, Robert trans. - Suetonius;-The Twelve Caesars (1957)
Graves, Robert - The White Goddess (Faber and Faber)
Gribble, J.B. - Memorials of Barnstaple (Lazarus, 1994)
Grinshell, I. V. - The Archaeology of Exmoor (David and Charles, 1970)
Guest, Lady Charlotte - The Mabinogion (Everyman, 1906)




Halliday, F. G. - A History of Cornwall (Duckworthy,1959)
Hanson ,R. P . C. - Life and Writings of the Historical Saint Patrick (The Seabury Press, 1983)
Hawkins, Gerald – Stonehenge Decoded (Fontana)
Helm, P. J. - Exploring Saxon and Norman England (Hale, 1976)
Hesiod - Theogony (Bohn)
Hills, Catherine - The Blood of the English (George Phillip)
Hope, Murry - Practical Celtic Magic (Aquarian, 1987)
Hoskins, W.G. - Devon and its People (David and Charles, 1959)
Hoskins, W.G. - The Western Expansion of Wessex (Leicester, 1961)




Jackson, Robert - Dark Age Britain, What to See and Where (Patrick Stephens)
Jenkins, Elizabeth - The Mystery of King Arthur (Michael Joseph, 1975)
Jung, Emma, and Marie-Louise von Franz - The Grail Legend ( trans. Andrea Dykes ) (Hodder and Stroughton 1971)




Kendrick, T.D - The Druids (Methuen & Co. 1827)
Kerslake - Celt and Teuton in Exeter
Kersten,H. & Gruber, E.R. - The Jesus Conspiracy (Element Books, 1994)
King, Francis K. - Mind and Magic (Dorling and Kindersley, 1991)
Knight, C. & Lomas, R. - The Holy Grail (Weidenfield & Nicolson, 1997)
Knowles, David & Hadcock,R.Neville - Medieval Religious Houses;- England and Wales (Longmans, Green and Co. 1953)
Kruta, Venceslas - The Celts of the West (Orbis)




Lacy Norris J. ed. - The Arthurian Encyclopedia (Ganlant Publishing, New York, 1986)
Lamplugh, Louise - Lundy, Island Without Equal (R.Young, 1993)
Langham, A.F. - The Island of Lundy Alan Sutton, 1994)
Lethbridge, T.C. - Witches (Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1972)
Lewis,C.B. - Classical Mythology and Arthurian Romance (St.Andrews University Publications, 1932)
Lewis,F.K - A Visit to Hartland Church (1969) (Leaflet)
Lincoln, Henry - The Holy Place (Jonathan Cape, 1991)
Lomax, F; trans. - The Antiquities of Glastonbury by William of Malmesbury (J.M.F. Books, 1992)
Loomis, R.S. - The Grail, From Celtic Myth to Christian Symbol (reprinted Constable, 1992)  BUY
Loomis, R.S. - Celtic Myth and Arthurian Romance (reprinted Constable, 1993)  BUY




Malory, Thomas - le Morte d' Arthur online
Marsden, John - The Illustrated Bede (Macmillan, 1989)
Mathews, John and Stewart, R. - Warriors of Arthur (Blandford)
Mathews, Caitlin - Mabon and the Mysteries of Britain Arkana, 1987)
Mathews, John - At the Table of the Grail (Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1984)
Mathews, John and Caitlin - British and Irish Mythology (Diamond Books, 1995)
Michell, John & Rhone, Christine - Twelve~Tribe Nations (Thames and Hudson, 1991)
Mockler, Anthony - King Arthur and his Knights (Oxford)
Moncrieff, A. R. Hope - Romance and Legend of Chivalry (Studio Editions, 1994)
Monmouth, Geoffrey of - History of the Kings of Britain
Moore,R.W. - The Romans in Britain (Methuen, 1930)
Morgan, Rev.R.W. - St.Paul in Britain (Covenant Publishing Co orig. 1860)
Morris, John - The Age of Arthur (Wiedenfield and Nicholson, 1973)   BUY
Morris, Richard - Churches in the Landscape (Dent)




Newstead, Helaine - Bran the Blessed in Arthurian Romance (AMS Press, New York, 1966)
Nichols,Ross - The Book of Druidry (Aquarian Press, 1990)
Notes and Queries
Oliphant, Margaret. The Atlas of the Ancient World. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1992.
Orme, Nicholas Unity and Variety - A History of the Church in Devon and Cornwall) (Exeter University Press, 1991)




Palsson, Hermann and Edwards, Paul - Orkneying Saga (Penguin Classics)
Pearce, Susan M. - The Kingdon of Dumnonia (Lodenek Press, 1978)
Pennick, Nigel - Lost Lands and Sunken Cities (Fortean Tomes, 1987)
Plummer, Charles and Earle, John - Two of the Anglo-Saxon Chronicles Parallel (Clarendon Press, 1982)
Previte Orton, C.W. - The Shorter Cambridge Mediaeval History Pt.1: 1966)
Price, Mary and Hal - Castles of Cornwall (Bossiney Books)
Priestland, Gerald and Sylvia - West of Hayle River (Wildwood House, 1980)




Rawlinson, Prof. - History of Phoenicia
Rhys, Sir John - Lectures on the Origin and Growth of Religion as Illustrated by Celtic Heathendom (The Hibbert Lectures,1886) (Williams and Norgate, 1892)
Rhys, Sir John - Celtic Folklore (Oxford University Press, 1901)
Rhys,Sir John - Studies in the Arthurian Legend (Clarendon Press, Oxford 1891)
Richards, Julian - Stonehenge (English heritage Book of Stonehenge) (B.T.Batsford/English Heritage, 1991)
Rojdestvensky, Olga - Le Culte de Saint- Michel
Rolleston, T.W. - Myths of The Celtic Race (The Gresham Publishing Co: reprinted by Senate, 1994)
Ross, Dr. Anne - Pagan Celtic Britain (Constable, 1992)
Ross, Dr. Anne - The Traveller's Guide to Celtic Britain Routledge and Kegan Paul
Rudaux,Lucien & G. De Vaucouleurs Larousse Encyclopedia of Astronomy (Hamlyn, 1968)



Saklatvala, Beram - Arthur, Roman Britain's Last Champion (David and Charles, 1967)
Salmon, Arthur - The Heart of the West (R. Scott, 1950)
Scherman, Katherine - The Flowering of Ireland: Saints, Scholars and Kings (Gollantz, 1981)
Schonfield, Hugh - The Passover Plot (Hutchisson, 1965)
Schonfield, Hugh - The Pentecost Revolution (Element Books,1985)
Scott, John ed. - The Early History of Glastonbury by William of Malmesbury (Boydell Press, 1981)
Scullard, H.H. - Roman Britain; Outpost of Empire (Thames and Hudson, 1979)
Selkirk, Raymond - On The Track of the Roman Legions (Anglia Publishing, 1995)
Silberman, Neil Asher - The Hidden Scrolls (Heinemann Ltd. 1995)
Simkins, Michael - Warriors of Rome (Blandford Press)
Smith, Morton - The Secret Gospel (London, 1978)
Smithett-Lewis, Rev. Lionel - St. Joseph of Arimathea at Glastonbury (A.R.Mowbray, 1975)
Spence, Lewis - The Encyclopedia of the Occult (Bracken Books, 1988)
St. Bernard de Laude Novae Militiae
Starr, C.G. -Roman Imperial Navy 31 BC - 324 AD (Cambridge 1960)
Stephenson, T. -Romantic Britain (Odhams)
Stevens, G. A. - Do You Know Cornwall (Tor Mark Press)
Stewart, R.J. - The Waters of the Gap (Arcania/Ashgrove, 1981)
Stewart, R.J. - Where is St, George? (Moonraker Press, 1977)
Stewart,R.J. - Merlin: The Prophetic Vision and The Mystic Life (Penguin Arkana, 1986)
Strabo - Geography,




Talbert, Richard J.A.,ed. - The Atlas of Classical History (Routledge, 1989)
Taylor,J.W. - The Coming of the Saints (Covenant Pub. 1969)
Tennyson, Lord Alfred - The Complete Works of, Macmillan 1909)
Thomas, Patrick - Candle in the Darkness (Celtic Spirituality in Wales) (Gomer, 1993)
Thomas, Charles - Christianity in Roman Britain to a.d.500 (Batsford, 1981)
Toulson, Shirley - Moors of the Southwest (Hutchinson)
Toulson, Shirley - Companion Guide to Devon
Transactions of the Devon Society
Treharne, R.F. - The Glastonbury Legends (Abacus, 1975)
Vermes, G. - The Dead Sea Scrolls in English (Pelican, 1962)




Waite, A.E. - The Holy Grail (The University Press, New York, 1961)
Watkins, Alfred - The Old Straight Track Abacus
Webster, Graham - The Roman Imperial Army (A.and C. Black, 1969)
Weir, Anthony - Early Ireland, A Field Guide (Blackstaff, 1980)
Wentz, W.Y.Evans - The Fairy Faith in Celtic Countries (Oxford University Press , 1911 {reprinted Colin Smythe Ltd.1977)
Whitelock, Dorothy - The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle (Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1961)
Williams, Michael - Tintagel (Bossiney Books, 1980)
Williams, Geoffrey - Iron Age Hillforts of England, a Visitors Guide (Horace books)
Wilson, Ian - The Turin Shroud (Penguin)
Wilson, Ian -The Evidence of the Shroud (Michael O'Mara Books, 1986)
Wilson, Robert Anton - The Widow's Son (New York, 1985)
Wilson, Robert Anton - The Earth Will Shake (New York, 1982)
Wilson, Ian - Jesus the Evidence (Wiedenfield and Nicolson, 1984)
Youlton, Y - A Summary of King Arthur (Tintagel)



Bradley, Marion Zimmer - The Mists of Avalon (Sphere) BUY  
Bradshaw, Gillian – Hawk of May (Simon & Schuster Inc.)
Bradshaw, Gillian – Kingdom of Summer (Simon & Schuster.)
Bradshaw, Gillian – In Winter’s Shadow (Simon & Schuster)
Canning, Victor - The Crimson Chalice. (Charter)
Chant, Joy - The Hgh Kings. (Unwin, 1984)
Chapman, Vera - The Three Damosels (Magnum)
Christian, Catherine - The Pendragon [alt.'The Sword and The Flame'] (Macmillan, 1978)
Godwin, Parke – Firelord (Doubleday & Co.) 
Lawhead, Stephen – Taliesin (Crossway Books) BUY
Lawhead, Stephen – Merlin (Crossway Books) BUY
Lawhead, Stephen – Arthur (Crossway Books) BUY
Lawhead, Stephen – Pendragon (Crossway Books) BUY
Lawhead, Stephen – Grail (Crossway Books) BUY
Stewart, Mary - The Wicked Day (Coronet) BUY
Stewart, Mary - The Hollow Hills (Coronet) BUY
Stewart, Mary - The Crystal Cave (Coronet) BUY
Stewart, Mary - The Last Enchantment (Coronet) BUY
Stewart, Mary – The Prince and the Pilgrim (Coronet) BUY
Tolstoy, Nikolai – The Coming of the King (Corgi)
White, T.H. – The Once and Future King (Fontana)





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